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Prosecuting Russian Aggression and War Crimes Domestically: Ukrainian and UJ perspectives
Prosecuting the crime of aggression in Ukraine
Ukraine calls for a special tribunal on Russian 'crime of aggression'
How are war crimes prosecuted? | Explainer | Chatham House
Could Putin ever be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court?
Russia, war crimes, and international tribunals. Ukraine in Flames #210
Universal jurisdiction in the cases of the CRSV (June 7th 2023)
Meet the People Helping Prosecute War Crimes in Ukraine Pt. 2
Marco Bocchese. International law in terms of Russia-Ukrainian war. ITSS Verona.
Military, Strategic, and Legal Perspectives on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
"Is the Future of International Criminal Law Domestic?" – Closing Remarks
GGP Podcast | Meet Prof. William Schabas Again